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Why is a healthy diet so important for me?


Proteins are an important part of your diet and can be found in lean meats, oily fish and vegetables such as nuts, beans and legumes.


  1. Lindström, J., Louheranta, A., Mannelin, M., Rastas, M., Salminen, V., Eriksson, J., Uusitupa, M., Tuomilehto, J., & Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study Group (2003). The Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study (DPS): Lifestyle intervention and 3-year results on diet and physical activity. Diabetes care, 26(12), 3230–3236.

  2. Gong, Q., Zhang, P., Wang, J., Ma, J., An, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, B., Feng, X., Li, H., Chen, X., Cheng, Y. J., Gregg, E. W., Hu, Y., Bennett, P. H., Li, G., & Da Qing Diabetes Prevention Study Group (2019). Morbidity and mortality after lifestyle intervention for people with impaired glucose tolerance: 30-year results of the Da Qing Diabetes Prevention Outcome Study. The lancet. Diabetes & endocrinology, 7(6), 452–461.

  3. Singapore Heart Foundation: Sugar, 2021.


Healthspanlife Pte. Ltd. (Registration number: 201911528R)
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